Honey Peppermint Lemonade

Honey Peppermint Lemonade
Hey everyone! With the end of summer coming around I wanted to hold on to the smallest amount of summer-time left. So in came my lemon idea.
Lemons are some of the easiest items to work with, and it doesn’t take a lot of them to make a powerful punch. Lemonade is a very easy drink that you can make, even on a time crunch. Lemonade can also be made many different ways. This is just one of the variations that you can make that will spice up your drink, while also keeping your drink refreshing.
Honey has some amazing health benefits. Honey is rich in antioxidants which can lower your blood pressure. Honey also makes a “less bad” alternative for diabetics. Peppermint can also have health benefits. For instance, it can help relieve headaches and can relieve clogged sinuses.
This lemonade will make the perfect drink for a hot day or even if you want a light, soothing drink to calm your nerves. I hope you all enjoy, and make sure to tag me on social media!
Honey Peppermint Lemonade
Course: Drink Difficulty: Easy Time: 10 minutes Servings: 6 cups

• 7 juiced lemons
• 1 juiced lime
• 1/2 cup honey
• 4 drops peppermint extract
• 10 cups Ice water
• pinch of granulated sugar


1. Combine lemon juice, lime juice, honey, and peppermint extract into a larger pitcher.
2. Place in ice water to taste.
3. Add sugar to taste
4. stir well until mixed
5. serve and enjoy

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